Now spring is well and truly underway, regardless of whether or not the current weather conditions outside are supporting this fact, your attention and interest will have already undoubtedly turned towards your outdoor spaces and, in particular, your garden.
Even though it is likely that throughout the winter months your garden was relegated to a storage area for various wheelie bins and boxes, it is now time to embrace, celebrate and truly appreciate how lucky you are to have your garden. Continue reading to learn of the top reasons why you should now make your garden into your new favourite space.
Your Emotional Wellbeing
Perhaps the most pertinent reason to embrace your garden is that when care is taken to cultivate a peaceful, tranquil and relaxing space, spending time in your garden can seriously impact your emotional health and wellbeing in an incredibly positive way.
Taking time to sit, relax and simply exist in the private surroundings of your own garden will do proverbial wonders for your levels of happiness and contentment and provide a quiet place in which to reflect and resolve issues and worries.
Your Physical Health
Even on those days when you feel as if all you want to do is snuggle up on the sofa under a plethora of blankets and indulge in a Harry Potter marathon, once your garden has been designed and rejuvenated with some beautiful potted plants, the lawn freshly mown and the patio clear of debris, you will be drawn to going outside, even if just for your morning cup of coffee.
There are a wide plethora of incredible benefits to spending time outside and exposing yourself to the natural elements, and what will start out as something you perhaps have to motivate yourself to do will quickly become something you look forward to.
Wildlife, Nature &the Environment
Another incredibly beneficial and multi-faceted reason to turn your garden into your new favourite space of your entire property is that, when designed correctly, you can create your very own haven of nature and wildlife while simultaneously doing your proverbial bit for the environment.
One of the easiest and surprisingly most affordable ways to encourage wildlife into your garden, apart from the more obvious inclusion of a freestanding bird feeder and birdbath, is the addition of a pond. If you do decide to include a pond in your newly transformed garden, ensure to install one properly and include pond pumps and water cleanser where appropriate.
Your Social Life
These days, modern life and the way it never seems as if you have spare time in which to spend the proper amount of time you would certainly like with your friends, family members and other loved ones, means that the time you do spend together is precious.
Transforming even part of your garden into an ideal space for hosting intimate family and social gatherings, including the addition of a rustic-looking firepit and even a permanent barbecue, will essentially result in the creation of an entire other room in which to socialise.